Spanish postal service in Andorra
Location and contact
To find out more
andorra_vella.lleida@correos.comAndorra is the only country in the world with two foreign post offices in the same country: the French and Spanish postal services. Although it is an independent state, the country still does not have its own postal service.
Services available in Andorra la Vella
The Spanish postal service branch in Andorra la Vella and the other branches in the country offer the same advantages and services as any post office in Spain.
Although the country is fully independent from Spain and the European Union, the local branches provide all the advantages and services of the Spanish postal service: you'll find everything that's available at your local Spanish branch.
The regular services provided by the Spanish postal service include receiving and sending letters and parcels, registered mail, money orders and transfers. It also offers 24, 42 and 72-hour courier services. Andorra provides numerous possibilities to ensure you never lose touch with your loved ones!
A large network of post office branches
Andorra has a total of 8 branches of the Spanish postal service, including the Central Post Office in Andorra la Vella, with all the services you'll need for your transactions.
The central office is in the old town, in the heart of the country, and is the hub for all the branches of the Spanish postal service.
Each parish has its own post office, including the town of Pas de la Casa, so there's no need to travel; you can do everything at the same office. It couldn't be easier!
The branches of the Spanish postal service open from Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., and Saturday, 9:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., closing on Sundays and bank holidays.
Development of the post office in Andorra
The complexity of the territory and problems of access have always hindered the development of a local postal service.
With the creation of the Spanish postal service in 1716, Andorra managed to maintain postal communication through itstraginers, muleteers who travelled the villages in the Principality and frontier territories, delivering correspondence directly by hand to the nearest branch of the Spanish postal service.
At the start of the 20th century, the building of the first Andorran road in 1913 and the arrival of the first cars in the Principality facilitated the opening of the first branch of the Spanish postal service in Andorra, on 15 December 1927.
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