Coll de la Plana picnic area, Sant Julià de Lòria

Zona de pícnic Coll de la Plana, Sant Julià de Lòria

Location and contact

To find out more

Sant Julià de Lòria is one of the best parishes in Andorra for outdoor eating. It has a number of rest areas, including the four around Comabella. Another example is the Coll de la Plana picnic area, located at the top of the Carretera de la Peguera (CS131), at the 6.95 km point. It sits at a strategic point, just at the top of the mountain pass. This green area is perfectly equipped to offer visitors all they need for a special stop on their journey.

Among other features, it boasts 5 tables with seating attached and 2 barbecues in a stone hut, sheltered from the wind and rain. Of course, it also has a bin for the rubbish you may generate and a small car park, with enough space for around five vehicles. The Coll de la Plana also offers superb views over the parish and a drinking fountain.

Before visiting a picnic site, check its status at the tourist information office of the parish in question.

In the event of an incident, call 112.

Finally, we also wanted to let you know that Andorra has more than 50 picnic and snack areas spread across all the parishes. Click on the link below and pick the one you like the look of most!

Check out the state of the country’s picnic areas at this link.


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