The Tossal Gran d’Aixovall iron way

Via ferrada Tossal Gran d'Aixovall

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150 m



Height difference

+40 m / -40 m

The Tossal Gran via ferrata is located near the village of Aixovall in Sant Julià de Lòria. It has a length of 150 metres and is 40 metres high. Its difficulty is low. The Tossal Gran d’Aixovall iron way is very brief and urban, lies at the foot of the river Gran Valira and climbs the walls of the Tossal Gran. It has a more difficult variant with an athletic overhang. Entrance is free to the iron way, which faces east. The summit is at alt. 990 metres.

Approach: 5 minutes. Way: 1h 25min. Return: 25min.
The Tossal Gran d’Aixovall iron way is at GPS point 42° 28' 44",01° 29' 19".

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