Boulder de Coll Jovell

Boulder Coll Jovell

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922 m



The Coll Jovell boulder is located at the end of the Fonts d’Engolasters circuit in Escaldes-Engordany. The Boulder de Coll Jovell has small granite walls 6 to 18 metres high at an altitude of 1,620 metres and facing north west along the path to Coll Jovell. The route is formed by 5 sectors: Figa, Festa, Del Sostre, Frankfurt and Can Faltegan. There are also a total of 41 ways and it is equipped with chemical anchoring. Its difficulty varies between 4 and 8a (medium – high).

We approach Boulder de Coll Jovell from Escaldes-Engordany, taking the road to Engolasters until Km. 6.3. Here we can leave the vehicle parked (there is an information hut). We have to follow the Camí dels Matxos towards Coll Jovell to the place for climbing. The curiosity of the way is that nearby there is a picnic area with a spring (it is a good idea to stop to drink water). The start of the route on the road to Engolasters is at 42° 31' 03",01° 34' 16".

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