Le Souffle d’Adore

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Le Souffle d’Adore was created in order to offer a unique, high-quality product, in line with the clear aim of reducing sugar intake and improving lifestyle and diet.
With facilities in a number of countries around the world, Le Souffle d’Adore offers various ranges of honey, which are categorized by number according to where the honey was produced. The honey produced in Andorra is No. 9, and its authenticity is assured thanks to a rigorous traceability process.
Obtained exclusively from the beehives located in our mountains at an altitude of 1,600 m, the honey is produced entirely by hand using artisanal methods that ensure respect for the environment at all times. The result is a pure honey that boasts superb nutritional values and has a unique flavour that is sure to delight those with a sweet tooth.
Sweetened with the sweetest honey from Le Souffle d’Adore!