Sculptures and fountains in Ordino

Escultures i fonts a Ordino

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Battling against gravity and in one of the most abrupt locations for Andorra’s contemporary sculptures, we come to this monument.

  • Arcalís 91

The author, Mauro Staccioli represents the opposition between the natural law (not the law of nature) and the law of man, between the minimal forms and the complication of nature, between a cold and objective world and the subjectiveness which is the basis of the way we are.

From these two oppositions, life is drawn; from these oppositions art is born.  This work is located at the place known as “Punt Sublim”, or sublime point, at the Ordino Arcalís ski resort in the parish of Ordino.

The circumference as a symbol of perfection and eternity is a window to the scenery surrounding it and which plays with the law of gravity in a position as if it were about to begin the descent into the valley.

An almost magic place that you can’t miss.

  • Estripagecs

The set of sculptures features five large totems or estripagecs, created by the Andorran artist Pere Moles. The estripagecs owe their name to their function of ripping (estripa) the jackets (gecs) off burglars. They take the form of metal bars with irregular lateral spikes placed at windows to stop the burglars from entering the houses. Created similar to the original structures, they are exact replicas of some of the estripagecs found across the parish.

It is worth noting that the totem element as such is a supernatural animal, a being or an object, which according to the mythologies of some cultures, is taken as an emblem of an individual or a people. Thanks to their attributes or meanings, the totems are understood as a relationship between nature and human beings.

The estripagecs are part of the cultural and architectural heritage of Andorra.

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