61st Theatre Season

From 02-10-2021 to 07-01-2023
Enjoy shows catering to all audiences.
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The 61st edition of the Theatre Season offers seven shows, culminating with the traditional Els Pastorets (“The Little Shepherds”).
The 61st edition of the Theatre Season offers seven shows, culminating with the traditional Els Pastorets (“The Little Shepherds”).
The Theatre Season is held jointly in Andorra la Vella and Sant Julià de Lòria and combines works from the increasingly dynamic world of Andorran theatre with proven hits from the Spanish and Catalan stage, performed by new actors as well as those of established prestige.
As has become tradition, the season will end with a performance of Els Pastorets (“The Little Shepherds”), based on the work by Josep M. Folch i Torres and now in its 29th edition.
Programme for the 61st Season
- TROIANES, DONES A LES PORTES DE LA CIUTAT EN FLAMES (“The Trojan Women at the Gates of the City in Flames”): Juanma Casero’s version of Euripides’s The Trojan Women, produced by JOCAND. Claror Auditorium, Sunday 2 October at 7:00 pm.
- TOCAR MARE (“Mother’s Touch”) by Marta Barceló Femenias, directed by Jordi Casanovas. With Lluïsa Castell and Georgina Latre. Teatre Comunal, Thursday 27 October at 8:30 pm.
- LÍMITS(“Limits”), produced by the ENA in collaboration with the ONCA and directed by Guillem Gefaell. With Clàudia Riera, Emma Riba, Jéssica Casal and Oriol Guillem. Claror Auditorium, Saturday 5 November at 9:00 pm.
- BUFFALO BILL A BARCELONA (“Buffalo Bill in Barcelona”) by Ramon Madaula, directed by Mònica Bofill. With Ramon Madaula and Raquel Sans. Teatre Comunal, Friday 11 November at 8:30 pm.
- YLLANA: THE OPERA LOCOS. Winner of the 2019 MAX Award for best musical or lyrical performance.
Artistic direction by David Ottone and Joe O’Curneen, musical direction by Marc Álvarez and Manuel Coves. With María Rey Joly, Mayca Teba, Toni Comas, Enrique Sánchez Ramos and Jesús García Calleja. Andorra la Vella Congress Centre Auditorium, Friday 16 December at 8:30 pm. - ELS PASTORETS (“The Little Shepherds”), 29th edition. Sala Prat del Roure in Escaldes-Engordany. Monday 26 December at 8:00 pm, Thursday 29 December at 9:00 pm, Friday 6 January 2023 at 6:00 pm, and Saturday 7 January 2023 at 6:00 pm.
Full programme of the 61st Theatre Season (in Catalan)
Online ticket and season ticket sales:
www.andorralavella.ad/entrades and https://www.4tickets.es/santjulia/public/janto/
Further information
Àrea de Cultura, Centre Cultural La Llacuna, c/ Mossèn Cinto Verdaguer, 4 - Tel.: (+376) 730 037
Oficina de Turisme d’Andorra la Vella. Plaça de la Rotonda, s/n. Tel.: (+376) 750 100, info@oficinaturisme.ad
Centre Cultural i de Congressos Lauredià. Plaça de la Germandat, 4-5-6. Tel.: (+376) 744 044
Troianes - 61a Temporada de Teatre conjunta
Tocar Mare - 61a Temporada de Teatre conjunta
Límits - 61a Temporada de Teatre conjunta
Buffalo Bill a Barcelona - 61a Temporada de Teatre conjunta
El Gran Comediant - 61a Temporada de Teatre conjunta
Yllana: The Opera Locos - 61a Temporada de Teatre conjunta
Els Pastorets - 61a Temporada de Teatre conjunta