Joyce DiDonato
С 02-03-2024 по 02-03-2024
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Auditori Nacional
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Opening concert of CLÀSSICAND 2024
Opening concert of CLÀSSICAND 2024
Joyce DiDonato is the guest star to open the 2nd edition of CLÀSSICAND, with a free concert at the Auditori Nacional d'Andorra in Ordino on Saturday 2 March.
The American singer, who is one of today's most renowned and sought-after mezzo-sopranos, has won several Grammy, Olivier, Richard Tucker and Handel awards, among others. After making her debut in her country of origin, DiDonato has sung on the most renowned stages in South America, Europe and Asia. In her performance in Andorra she will be accompanied on stage by the pianist Craig Terry, also a Grammy Award winner.
DiDonato's concert will be the claim to present the line-up of this new edition of CLÀSSICAND.
Place and date: Saturday 2 March at 8 p.m. at the Auditori Nacional d'Andorra in Ordino. Admission is free with an invitation, which can be collected in person at the tourist offices in Andorra la Vella and Ordino.
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