Snowshoeing: Estall Serrer - Vall del Madriu

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7,22 km




+585 m / -585 m

The valley features stunning glacial scenery and is completely remote, set in a truly idyllic spot. Discover bordes (huts), queserías (dairies) and the remains of valley forges - clear examples of the resources in the High Pyrenean region - at the starting point and from about 8 km. Experience 600 metres of altitude difference, characterised by a gentle incline. 


Engolasters trail car park

ASCENT AND DESCENT TIMES (taking into account speed in snowshoes and touring skis)
Ascent time: 3 hr 15 min
Descent time: 2 hr 45 min

Before starting this route, we advise you to check the news bulletins, as there is a high risk of avalanches in this area. If there is heavy snow, we recommend that you avoid this route and follow the Illa Refuge route instead: although both routes pass through the same valley, the Illa Refuge slope is much safer.

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