Skimo: Camí ral del Serrat a Sorteny

Skimo: Camí ral del Serrat a Sorteny

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+194 m / -34 m

It now forms part of the GRP, a trail that allows you to explore Andorra following a mountain route. This is a short but very beautiful itinerary that runs through the forest, following the course of the Rialb and Sorteny rivers. Once at the Sorteny slope, it is possible to extend the route by following the slope up to the protected mountain hut of Sorteny Valley, where you will be able to enjoy a typical mountain breakfast.


Take the CG-3 from Ordino towards Arcalís. After leaving the village of El Serrat, between km 17 and km 18, you will come to a crossroad on the right with a sign for Sorteny – Collada dels Meners.

Ascent time: 40 min
Descent time: 35 min

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