Skimo: Cabanes del Castellar - Comis Vell

Skimo: Cabanes del Castellar - Comis Vell

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2.95 km




+242 m / -242 m

It starts with a pleasant climb through the forest before reaching a more open and flat area around the Comis Vell river. Please pay attention to the forecast as the route could be exposed to avalanches.


Follow the CG-3 towards Ordino and continue towards El Serrat. Leaving the village behind, just after km 20 you will come to the bridge for the Comis Vell river and then the Castellar bridge which crosses the Tristaina. Park just before the bridge. Start your ascent to the right of the Castellar bridge via the old road.

Ascent time: 50 min
Descent time: 45 min 

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