Freeride: Pic de Tristaina

Descens Freeride: Pic de Tristaina

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6,4 km




+389 m / -909 m

Start point: Car park of the Arcalís ski resort near the Hortell building. We take the La Balma chair lift and go down the La Balma slope; before the slopes cross with the gulley we leave the slope to the north to the river at 2,240 m where we will see a small pass towards the Tristaina lakes. At this point we will put on the skins and climb to the first lake and later to the second on the right until we reach Tristaina pass and we put on the crampons and use our ice axes to climb the crest to the peak at 2,879 m. Once at the peak, depending on the snow conditions, we must make sure where the descent begins as it is not obvious from the peak; a good thing is to have a photograph of the descent to check it at the peak in case of doubt.

Descent: We will find a very steep and technical first section with a gradient of some 45-50° and highly exposed for 50 m, then we enter the actual gulley where the  gradient drops to 45° and it is less exposed, allowing wider turns to reach the end with greater fluidity. Beware of the first part!! Southern face exposed to the sun, high risk of avalanches!!

Parking area: (42°37'41.94"N and 1°29'41.27"E).

Drop: 45-50°

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