Freeride: Pic de Pedrons

Descens Freeride: Pic de Pedrons Corredor Est

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11,1 km




+3 m / -3,29 km

Start point: From the village of el Pas de la Casa, we will climb eastwards along the ridge leading to the Pedrons peak. A few metres from the summit, we come to the entrance to the corridor that drops down the eastern side. This peak is in France, but we think that it is something that has to be done thanks to the beauty on either side and its proximity to the village.

Descent: A very beautiful corridor, long and sustained for around 300 m, with a gradient of 45° and 50° at most in the metres at the beginning where it is more technical; the rest is wide enough to make comfortable turns to the exit which leads us to la Mina Valley, which we will continue down to the road that will take us back to el Pas de la Casa. A vehicle must be left to return from this point, where there is a small car park.

Parking area: (42°32'32.30"N and 1°44'1.67"E).

Drop: 45-50°

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