Freeride: Pic de l'Hortell

Descens Freeride: Pic de l'Hortell

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3,7 km




+601 m / -791 m

Start point: From the base of the resort we will take ski lift 1 that will take us to 2,100 m; from here on we put on the skins and go up through the forest to the ridge of the Pic del Hortell south-east. In around 40 minutes we are near the Hortell summit at 2,560 m.

Descent: We can start the descent from the peak itself or from a few hundred metres below. If we start from the summit we have to make a short crossing to find the corridors; we avoid this crossing if we do it from further down. We will descend eastwards along the ridge to a first corridor (1) (S3.2) with a narrower passage in the centre which is very technical. Further down the ridge we find the second corridor (2) which is wider and more obvious than the first, not as technical with a smaller gradient (around 40°) (S3.1). All of the corridors come out on the same plain leading to the river Tristaina and the Encodina picnic site where we will have to have a car to get back to the resort.

Parking area: (42°37'55.56"N and 1°30'40.51"E).

Drop: 35-45°

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