Freeride: Corredors del Pic de Casamanya

Descens Freeride: Corredors del Pic de Casamanya

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4,5 km




+656 m / -656 m

Start point: At the point where there is a barrier on the Canillo side just a few km from the pass. There is a place to park at 1,970 m. To find them we go up the valley to reach the ridge of the Pic de Casamanya. From here to the peak at 2,742 m. To do the first corridor, we descend the south eastern face towards the same valley we came up, as the corridors begin below the peak. We do the same to take the second corridor, but its start is on the right hand side of the same face. Both are easily visible from the valley we climb.


1st Corridor: At first it is very narrow, technical and inclined 45-50° in the first 100 m, and then levels out and becomes wider, allowing wide and comfortable turns.

2nd Corridor: Narrow all the way though not very steep, max. 40-45°. It is technical because it is narrow and if there is not much snow we find rocks that can make the turns awkward. Both end at the same point and we will complete the descent on the same route to the cars.

Parking area: (42°33'20.87"N and 1°34'16.95"E).

Drop: 40-45°

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