Freeride: Bony d'Envalira - La Menera

Freeride: Bony d'Envalira - La Menera

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4 km




+332 m / -537 m

Start point: From the Grau Roig we will climb on the Montmalús ski lift, go down the slope around a hundred metres and start to climb back southwards up the Circ de Colells towards La Portella de Joan Antoni. We will soon see the south side of the Bony d’Envalira; we will climb up to a pass between Pic d'Engaït or La Menera and Bony d'Envalira. Once at the top of the range, facing north-northeast in front of us we will have the gulleys that drop to the La Menera hills.

Descent: On this route we describe the gulleys descending the northeast side. Without having to climb to Bony d'Envalira, we can find several gulleys between it and the Pic d'Engaït or Pic de la Menera. These are gulleys where at the beginning there is a steep gradient of 45°-55° due to the accumulated snow (beware of slides).

These are technically demanding corridors due to their gradient and narrowness. Once past this point, they level out to 35°-40° and reach the Clots de la Menera where we can see an artificial lake before we end on the Grau Roig slopes.

Parking area: (42°31'58.75"N and 1°42'1.67"E).

Drop: 40-50°

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