Hiking trail: Ensagent Lakes

Ruta de senderisme: estanys d’Ensagents

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9.32 km




+676 m / -676 m

Magnificent excursion, with moderate difficulty, in a wild and natural setting.

Follow the Cortals d’Encamp road from the Funicamp base station. Your hike begins at the 6.1 km mark (N42 32.112 E1 37.025).

Take the forest path on your right (next to a picnic spot) that leads to a signposted junction.

Head towards La Solana d’Ensagents as far as the Ensagents lakes (N42 31.248 E1 38.782), crossing a mountain pine forest, up through the high mountain meadows strewn with Pyrenean flowers and peatland.

After passing the Ensagents refuge, which sleeps 8, follow the Ensagents river back down to the first junction. Once there, take the left-hand path which leads to the route back.

This itinerary will give you some amazing views over Andorra’s main glacial craters and, depending on the season, you might have the chance to find some boletus mushrooms in the forest.

For your safety, we recommend doing all routes above 1,700 metres between the end of June and the end of September. However, if the weather and terrain conditions allow it, the season may extend from May to October.

You’ll find more details about this and other routes in the Trails of Andorra Hiking Guide.


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