Hiking route: Portella Blanca

Ruta de Senderisme: Portella Blanca

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6,94 km




+730 m / -315 m

The Portella Blanca hiking route is a difficult circuit. It starts at the Cubil car park in the Grandvalira-Grau Roig sector from where we take the forest track that leads to the Llac dels Pessons mountain hut restaurant and the Estany Primer, (alt. 2,303). We will then follow the GRP (marked with two horizontal stripes: one yellow and one red) southwards around the lake to the left until we reach a fork, where we follow the GR7 (two horizontal stripes: one white and one red) climbing towards the Pic de Montmalús and the Comastremera Lake.

Continuing on the GR7, we will cross an area of marshes and immediately climb screes to the Circ dels Colells (alt. 2,615). We will cross an alpine meadow and go under the Pic de la Menera; from here on the route is very high and drops down the face to the Portella de Joan Antoni, from where we will see the Engaït lake and the Llosa Valley (Martinet - Spain). We will continue dropping southwards to Portella Blanca.

The start of this route is the Grandvalira-Grau Roig ski resort in the parish of Encamp (42° 31' 54",01° 41' 51").

For your safety, we recommend you do the routes at altitudes of over 1,700 metres between the end of June and the end of September. However, if the weather and terrain conditions allow it, the season may extend from May to October.

You will find further details of this and other routes in the Hiking guide Trails of Andorra.


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