Hiking route: Pic del Port Vell

Ruta de Senderisme: Pic del Port Vell

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4,46 km




+565 m / -34 m

The route starts at the viewpoint with the interesting sculpture of the “Tempesta en una Tassa de Te” (“Storm in a Teacup”), by American artist Dennis Oppenheim (42º 33' 7.3296", 1º 27' 15.699"), at the ski station Coll de la Botella Pal Arinsal.

The fauna and flora you’ll find along the route is typically alpine. In the highest areas there is still a large variety of plant species, including the typical blue flowered Phyteuma hemisphaericum, the white flowered lady of the snows (Phulsatilla vernalis) and the Ranunculus pyrenaeus, the pink flowered cushion pink (Silene acaulis) and the purple-flowered Viola cenisia.

The fauna that inhabits this high-altitude setting includes stoats (Mustela erminea) and rock ptarmigans (Lagopus muta), which change colour and turn entirely white in winter. You might also be able to spot red squirrels (Sciurus vulgaris), Eurasian jays (Garrulus glandarius), or even Pyrenean chamois (Rupicapra rupicapra).

For your safety, we recommend you do the routes at altitudes of over 1,700 metres between the end of June and the end of September. However, if the weather and terrain conditions allow it, the season may extend from May to October.

You will find further details of this and other routes in the Hiking guide Trails of Andorra.


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