Hiking route: Itinerari de l’Obaga

Ruta de Senderisme: Itinerari de l’Obaga

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7,7 km




+560 m / -560 m

This circular route starts on the upper part of Escaldes-Engordany, in the historical town centre which still has a group of traditional bordes (refuges). The route takes you up the valley until you get to the lower part of the Madriu Valley along the paths: Camí de la Plana, Camí Rec Nou de l'Obac, Entremesaigües and the Camí de la Muntanya.

As you come out of Placeta de l'Obac, a few metres away you can take the Camí de la Plana leading you to the C.G2 road, which you’ll have to cross to join the path gain. The cobblestone road involves a steep climb leaving the Borda del Vicari behind you and continuing up until you get to the Plana residential area.  At the end of this residential area, you can get back on the path that will take you to the Carretera de la Plana, where you’ll come across the Camí del Rec Nou de l'Obac off to the side. This is the one you’ll follow. The path runs parallel to the road, which you will gradually ascend, passing by the new Escaldes cemetery and then entering the Madriu Valley.

Continue along the GR for about 300 metres until you reach the crossroads with the Font del Boïgot path, where you’ll leave the GR route behind you. After a few metres, you’ll come to the Font (spring) and you’ll gain height, going through the middle of the shady forest to find a mountain refuge. Straight after this, you’ll cross the Claror and Perafita rivers over a wooden bridge and some large stepping stones that have been placed to form a bridge just a few metres from the Perafita path.

You start the downhill stretch here along the Camí de Perafita path crossing the Peixadera spring and the bridge over the Madriu River by Entremesaigües. From this point, you’ll begin the descent along the GR route on the cobblestone path which will take you to the Sessenat Bridge and the Carretera de la Plana road.

Cross the road and take the steep Camí de la Muntanya path as far as the C.G2 road. There, go up along the road for about 80 metres until you come to the Camí de les Molleres path, which you’ll follow to the Tosca Bridge in the town of Escaldes-Engordany.

For your safety, we recommend you do the routes at altitudes of over 1,700 metres between the end of June and the end of September. However, if the weather and terrain conditions allow it, the season may extend from May to October.

You will find further details of this and other routes in the Hiking guide Trails of Andorra.

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