Come and shop in Andorra


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You will find products from the most prestigious international brands, imported from all four corners of the world, in the country's shopping centres, shopping precincts and shops—which there are more than a thousand of in the span of only a few kilometres. The most cutting-edge technology and electronics; the latest fashion and most daring trends; the most exclusive perfumes and cosmetics or the most refined gastronomic specialities are all within your reach.

The main magnet for commercial attraction is the capital, Andorra la Vella, along with Escaldes-Engordany. Within this nucleus is The Shopping Mile, Andorra’s main commercial hub, from Meritxell Avenue to Vivand, via Fener Boulevard. You’ll find a number of shopping centres nearby, including the old city centre, the Riberaygua i Travesseres and Santa Coloma neighbourhood. In Escaldes-Engordany, meanwhile, shopping is centred around the upper part of Avenida Carlemany and the old town centre. A huge number of specialist shops, department stores and shopping centres can all be found in this area. It also houses some of the most prestigious establishments in the country when it comes to jewellery and watchmaking, fashion and accessories stores, perfumeries, pharmacies and chemists’, and cosmetics centres.

Andorra's other main urban shopping area is in Pas de la Casa, where visitors can find all kinds of retail establishments and shopping centres specialising in perfume, cosmetics, fashion and sporting goods—all of this amidst the Pyrenees!

And the shopping options don't end there. In Sant Julià de Lòria there are large shopping centres, as well as retail establishments specialised in cycling and mountain sports. Canillo, Encamp, Ordino and La Massana—which specialise in the sale and rental of equipment for winter and mountain sports—offer a wide range of sporting goods that is sure to surprise you.

It is worth knowing that...

Thanks to the long opening hours, you'll be able to keep shopping until 8 PM from Sunday to Thursday, and until 9 PM on Fridays and Saturdays. Opening hours are extended until 10 PM during holiday seasons. Shops only close 4 days per year: 1 January, New Year's Day; 14 March, Andorran Constitution Day (If it falls on a weekend, the shopping centre will stay open); 8 September, "Nostra Senyora de Meritxell" and 25 December, Christmas.

In Andorra sales periods are regulated by law. They take place twice a year. Summer sales begin the third Friday of June and winter sales start on the third Friday of December and last for three months. Nonetheless, it is frequent to find sales and discounts all-year round.

Learn more about customs duties so you can conduct your shopping with complete peace of mind.

In Andorra, shopping is easy!

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Cosa c’è vicino ?


Hotels in Andorra

Rest while staying in Andorra la Vella's best hotels. Ranging from one to five stars, with parking, gyms or pools, you’ll have all the amenities imaginable.

Hotels in downtown Andorra

Book your stay in a centrally-located hotel in Andorra and have all the establishments, shops, restaurants and other services just steps away.

Relax to the max

Stay at a hotel with a spa and experience the benefits of combining rest with relaxation.



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