Iron Men

Homes de Ferro

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On the Iron Men route you will be able to enjoy a combination of nature and sculpture. Between Llorts and la Cortinada, let yourself be amazed by the collection of works that have formed part of this area since 2002. They combine the raw materials of stone, wood and iron, which merge with the natural setting in works such as "The House of Earth and Fire" by Alberto Carneiro, "The Family" by Jordino de Rachid Khimoune, "Endless" by Mark Brusse, "Large Iron Wagon and Pickaxe" by Jordi Casamajó, "L’Home-de-ferro-talp-que-camina" (Iron Man Mole Walking) by Guy de Rougemont, and "Earth, Iron, Water and Fire" by Satoru Satu.

Iron Route on your back

The Iron Route on your back is a fun, educational activity designed for families with children from 7 to 12 years. Parents and children follow the trail while they do a series of fun activities to learn about the route, observe the environment and appreciate the culture and nature elements. The entire trails takes half a day, or approximately three hours.

A guide is available for this route (as part of the Iron Route). This route is suitable for all audiences and makes for a pleasant and interesting walk through mountain scenery that combines culture and industrial history.

More information and reservations: Oficina de Turisme d'OrdinoLa Farga RossellLa Massana Tourist Office.


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