La Poste, French postal service in Andorra

Location and contact

Contact us

C/ Pere d'Urg, 1
Andorra la Vella

(+376) 820 408

To find out more

La Poste is a French postal administration service offering you the same services and advantages you would get in any other post office in France. You can receive and send letters, parcels, certified letters, make shipments of all kinds, and send urgent 24, 42 and 72-hour shipments, as well as a host of other options.

Andorra has a total of seven French post offices spread across the Principality. You'll find one in each parish.

Timetables and additional information

La Poste offices open from Monday to Friday 8:30 am to 1:30 pm and Saturdays from 9:00 am to 12:00 noon. They are closed on Sundays.

This French post office is located in the centre of Andorra la Vella.

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