Roc del Gos Rappel iron way

Via ferrada del ràpel del Roc del Gos

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85 m


Very difficult

The Roc del Gos rappel via ferrata is located on the Montaup road in the parish of Canillo.

This Via Ferrata can be taken either via the Roc del Quer viewpoint (ascent or descent): with this option you can also enjoy an additional 15 metre abseil to reach the Roc del Gos Abseil; or by following the same route as the Via Ferrata del Roc del Gos, or from the Canals de la Mora 1 and 2, since the access point is the same for each route. 
In this final option, you will have to follow the same route as the Via Ferrata of the Roc del Gos and theCanals de la Mora 1 and 2 until you reach the route's diversion point or the beginning of the Via Ferrata of the Roc del Gos. Once you get there, you continue  left and take the Roc del Gos abseil.

Approach: 5 minutes. Route: +/- 30-40 mins. Return: 25 mins.

The Roc del Gos Rappel iron way is at GPS point: 42° 34' 07"N, 01° 35' 37"E.

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