Pumpkin puree
Autumn is a good time to savour this recipe which is made with a number of ingredients.
Countless varieties of pumpkins are grown everywhere. Its origin is Mesoamerican and from there it spread all over the world, although there are studies that place its origin on the Asian continent.
The recipe we present here is made with the potato (or trumfa, as it is called in Andorra), also from America and which has been present in our cuisine since the nineteenth century.
The Pumpkin is made up of 90% carbohydrates, fibre and water, which is very nourishing. It is rich in vitamin A, C and E, as well as providing foliate, potassium and calcium.
Preparation for 4 people:
Dice and add all the ingredients (except the milk) in a pot and fry them slightly.
Then add about 1.5 litres of hot water and boil for about 30 minutes.
Once the vegetables are cooked, add milk and blend to a cream texture with an electric mixer. If you want it to be lighter, add a little water.
Taste, season with salt and, if you like, add a pinch of pepper.
Finally, to accompany it, cut some bread into cubes and fry them in the pan with oil. Serve, leave the fried bread on a separate plate so that everyone can add it to their own plate.
Ingredients for preparing pumpkin purée:
-750 g of pumpkin
-1 or 2 potatoes
-2 onions
-250 ml of milk
-Some olive oil
-Sliced bread
-Abundant black pepper (optional)
This purée or cream is very easy to make and as the first course of a meal. It helps to tone the body upon arrival of the first cold, in autumn.