If you become ill while visiting Andorra

The most common symptoms of COVID-19 are respiratory: fever, cough, and breathing difficulties. Some patients also have digestive symptoms, such as diarrhoea and stomach pain, headache, severe fatigue (asthenia), and loss of smell and taste.
Any tourist or visitor who needs to have a TMA or RAT COVID-19 diagnostic test can request one at the Government STOP-LAB equipped for this purpose. Phone: (+376) 821 955.
Many of nationally-certified private clinical analysis laboratories perform PCR and RAT diagnostic tests.
Negative rapid antigen test (RAT) result:
If the negative result is from a rapid antigen test (RAT) and you have symptoms compatible with an acute infection (fever, headache, sore throat, dry cough, general aching of the joints and muscles, vomiting or diarrhoea, cold, fatigue, loss of appetite, loss of smell or taste), you must also do a TMA or PCR test.
Negative PCR or TMA test result:
If the negative result is from a TMA or PCR test, or it’s from an RAT but you don’t have any symptoms, COVID infection is then ruled out.
In both cases, it’s necessary to continue following preventative measures: social distancing, hand washing, ventilation and wearing a face mask.
If you become aware that you have been in close contact with someone who has later tested positive, even if the result of the test – whether an RAT, TMA or PCR – is negative, you must observe the following measures for fourteen days:
Monitor your body temperature and the appearance of symptoms.
Limit social interactions and avoid any contact with vulnerable people.
Maintain social distancing and strictly observe the appropriate protective measures: hand hygiene and wearing a face mask.
Avoid crowded places, small and poorly ventilated spaces, etc.
Take precautions when using public transport by wearing an FFP2 face mask and paying particular attention to all other protective measures: social distancing, ventilation, hand hygiene, etc.
We’d like to remind you that in case of severe symptoms, please call 116.
1. You have to self-isolate for seven days, regardless of your vaccination status, starting from the date of onset of symptoms (if you have any) or the date of the test (if you don’t have any symptoms).
2. You can self-isolate in the room of the tourist accommodation where you’re staying. Observe the following measures:
- Do not leave the room. You are not allowed to receive any visitors.
- Everyone who has been in close contact with you must take precautions. They must limit contacts, air the room and always wear an FFP2 face mask and practise good hand hygiene.
- Air the room for at least ten minutes, three times a day.
3. Alternatively, you can self-isolate in your place of origin. During the trip, you should avoid any contact with other people (i.e. do not dine in restaurants) and observe all protective measures (FFP2 face masks, hand hygiene, etc.). The Principality’s health authority will notify the health authorities of your destination.
4. After seven days of self-isolation, you’ll spend three days in passive follow-up:
- Monitor your body temperature and the appearance of symptoms.
- Limit social interactions and avoid any contact with vulnerable people.
- Maintain social distancing and strictly observe the appropriate protective measures: hand hygiene and wearing a face mask.
- Avoid crowded places, small and poorly ventilated spaces, etc.
- Take precautions when using public transport by wearing an FFP2 face mask and paying particular attention to all other protective measures: social distancing, ventilation, hand hygiene, etc.
5. If you have no symptoms or they’re mild, there’s no need to contact your doctor. The following are considered mild symptoms: fever, headache, sore throat, dry cough, general aching of the joints and muscles, vomiting or diarrhoea, cold, fatigue, loss of appetite, loss of smell or taste. It is advisable to get lots of rest, drink plenty of fluids, and treat symptoms, if necessary, with paracetamol or ibuprofen. It is not advisable to take antibiotics.
6. However, in case of severe symptoms, you must contact a doctor or call 116:
- Fever or persistent coughing for more than three days or worsening of the cough or fever.
- Trouble breathing, back pain or pressure in your chest.
- Significant change in your general health condition, such as lethargy or extreme weakness, persistent dizziness or confusion.
- When mild symptoms persist for more than six days.
7. Notify your close contacts immediately so they can get tested for COVID-19 and they can take protective measures. Close contacts are considered to be everyone you’ve spent time with in an enclosed space without wearing a face mask for more than 15 minutes in the last 48 hours before the onset of symptoms or taking the test with a positive result.
1. Close contacts are considered to be everyone who someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 has spent time with in an enclosed space without wearing a face mask for more than 15 minutes in the 48 hours before the onset of symptoms or taking the test with a positive result.
2. If you are deemed a close contact, you must observe all protective measures strictly and get tested for COVID-19. These instructions are to be followed regardless of your vaccination status.
3. You may return to your place of origin. During the trip, you should avoid any contact with other people (i.e. do not dine in restaurants) and observe all protective measures (FFP2 face masks, hand hygiene, etc.). Should you test positive, the Principality’s health authority will notify the health authorities at your destination.
4. If you are a close contact and have no symptoms or they’re mild, there’s no need to contact your doctor. The following are considered mild symptoms: fever, headache, sore throat, dry cough, general aching of the joints and muscles, vomiting or diarrhoea, cold, fatigue, loss of appetite, and loss of smell or taste. It is advisable to rest, drink plenty of fluids, and treat symptoms, if necessary, with paracetamol or ibuprofen. It is not advisable to take antibiotics.
5. However, in case of severe symptoms, you must contact a doctor or call 116:
Fever or persistent coughing for more than three days or worsening of the cough or fever.
Trouble breathing, chest pain or pressure in your chest.
Significant change in your general health condition, such as lethargy or extreme weakness, persistent dizziness or confusion.
When mild symptoms persist for more than six days.
If you are a resident of Spain, France or Portugal, all you need is a travel document from your social security office.
If you are a resident of another country, we recommend that you take out private insurance. This is because any medical attention or hospital care you receive will have to be paid for.
- Police: 110
- Fire: 118
- Mountain rescue: 112
- Medical emergencies: 116
- Nostra Senyora de Meritxell Hospital: (+376) 871 100