Sant Julià de Lòria Carnival

From 01-03-2025 to 03-03-2025
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(+376) 744 044A parade and dance troupe contest open to all
A parade and dance troupe contest open to all
The programme of activities for the Sant Julià de Lòria Carnival opens with the traditional parade organised by local schools (this year, the date has been moved up to 21 February) and concludes on 3 March with the ceremonial release, trial and burning of Carnestoltes (the Carnival King), the Bruixots (Wizards) and the Senyores i Senyors (Ladies and Gentlemen) of Sant Julià de Lòria. There will be fun and festivities for young and old alike, with a dance, a community botifarrada (sausage barbecue) and children’s shows, among other activities.
2025 programme
Friday 21 February
10:15 am. Parade through the streets of the parish by the schools of Sant Julià de Lòria, with musical accompaniment from Batucada Insects and Bloco Sambara BCN.
Saturday 1 March
5:00 pm. El meu amic Brutus (“My Friend Brutus”), a street performance starring a curious, friendly and entertaining brown bear weighing 400 kg and standing 2.5 m tall. Brutus likes to hug people, sniff the food they’re eating and scratch his back against trees and walls. He will parade through the streets accompanied by a group of cheerful (yet slightly mad) mountain folk who have come down to the town to sell their wares.
Sunday 2 March
6:30 pm. Grand parade with Tecla the Witch and troupes of Bruixots (Wizards), Dimonis (Demons), Ninotaires (Puppeteers) and Porrers (Parade Leaders), plus a float and troupe contest.
The parade will be followed by a costume ball in Plaça de la Germandat, with musical accompaniment by Caipirinhas Rumberus.
8:30 pm. Community botifarrada (sausage barbecue) in Plaça de la Germandat.
Monday 3 March
5:00 pm. Balambambú: children’s show performed by the Pentina el Gat Company in Plaça de la Germandat.
The show will be followed by the ceremonial release, trial and burning of Carnestoltes (the Carnival King), accompanied by the Bruixots (Wizards) and the Senyores i Senyors (Ladies and Gentlemen) of Sant Julià de Lòria, in Plaça de la Germandat.
For more information, (+376) 744 044, and