
Mostra Gastronòmica d’Andorra

30a Mostra Gastronòmica d’Andorra

From 11-11-2022 to 13-11-2022

The 30th edition will feature the “Ordino Gourmet, a taste of the Pyrenees” exhibition.

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(+376) 869 500

Local products and a Gastrolab are two of the event’s attractions.

The Mostra Gastronomica d’Andorra, in Ordino, to be held for the 30th time, will involve associates and have the usual format. On Sunday 13 November, attendees can enjoy the recommendations of around twenty of the country’s restaurateurs, pastry chefs and wine and spirits distributors.

“Ordino Gourmet, a taste of the Pyrenees”
The “Ordino Gourmet, a taste of the Pyrenees” exhibition will be held to celebrate the 30th anniversary. It will include samples and sales of local products, as well as talks and tastings led by attending producers.

The exhibition may be visited on Friday 11 and Saturday 12 November and will be held in different areas of the town. At the L’Era Rossell there will be craft exhibitors and in the courtyard brewers, while La Buna room will host Gastrolab, featuring tasting, sampling and different talks.

Mostra Gastronomica d’Andorra: Sunday 13 November from 1.30 p.m. at the Andorra Congress Centre in Ordino.

“Ordino Gourmet, a taste of the Pyrenees” exhibition: Friday 11 and Saturday 12 November in Ordino.

Download the “Ordino Gourmet, a taste of the Pyrenees” programme here (in Catalan).