Freeride: Majol de Cabana Sorda

Descens Freeride: Majol de Cabana Sorda i pic contigu

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+1,24km / -1,19km

Start point: This is a route planned for two days, although it is possible to do it in just one. We will take advantage of the good location of the Cabana Sorda mountain hut and its good state to spend the night there and start the second day early. We access from the start of the road to the Incles Valley, where we will leave the vehicles. The distance we can go up with the cars will depend on the snow and the part of the season. We will walk along the road and after a series of ‘bordes’ and a hermitage, on the left we find a canyon that maintains the snow very well and even in the spring we can climb up it to gain height and reach the Salamandres ponds. Northwards, we will climb the ridge that takes us directly to the lake on the northern side. We might be able to get to the summit depending on the snow conditions and our will. Both if we do the summit and go down the Coma de Varilles peak mountain pass, and if we take les Pales de Cabana Sorda, the descent leads us to the Cabana Sorda lake and mountain hut.

2nd day: leaving the hut, we zigzag up the northern side of el Majol de Cabana Sorda in a little over 40 minutes to the summit. Another option is to continue to follow the crest NW to the next summit, which is little higher and also has a good face for a direct descent to the mountain hut.

Descent 1st day: The descent to the mountain hut from the summit or the Cabana Sorda wide face on the northern side is not difficult and has an average gradient of 35°-40° falling directly into the lake.

Descent 2nd day: The descent of el Majol de Cabana Sorda and the peak next to it are very similar, large wide pyramidal faces with a regular and constant gradient not more than 40°, which allows us to do wide turns with a certain speed if the snow allows. The return to the start point will be southwards, seeking open areas between the forests to come out onto the same canyon we climbed and then onto the road.

Parking area: (42°35'44.19"N and 1°40'27.00"E).

Drop: 30-40°

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