The Clots de l’Aspra iron way

Via ferrada Clots de l'Aspra

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150 m




+70 m / -70 m

The Clots de l’Aspra via ferrata is located in Cortals d’Encamp. It has a length of 150 metres and is 70 metres high and is of low difficulty.

The Clots de l’Aspra is a beginner’s iron way adapted to children. The first part climbs an overhang, not completely vertical, with a lot of steps so that the children do not have trouble climbing. This is an iron way that is free to enter and faces north east. The summit is at 2,200 alt.

Approach: 10 minutes. Way: 1h 45min. Return: 25 minutes.
The location of the Clots de l’Aspra iron way is: 42° 32' 05",01° 37' 57".

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