Hiking trail: Circuit de les Fonts

Ruta de Senderisme: Circuit de les Fonts - Itinerari llarg

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8,57 km




+343 m / -343 m

It will take us through countryside of Scots pines, springs and chalky rock.

The Circuit de les Fonts is of medium difficulty and is done in around three and a half hours. The path goes along forest tracks amidst dense vegetation. Halfway along we come to els Planells de la Palomera with its chalky rocks. The route flattens out on the path through the Bosc Negre, in very beautiful surroundings where we will come to several springs.

The route starts at the Comella picnic place (42° 29' 54",01° 31' 49").

For your safety, we recommend you do the routes at altitudes of over 1,700 metres between the end of June and the end of September. However, if the weather and terrain conditions allow it, the season may extend from May to October.

You will find further details of this and other routes in the Hiking guide Trails of Andorra.


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